August 1, 2022

7thAMEA Bitumen & Base Oil Conference

Will be Held On September 14-15, 2022 | Mumbai, India

The Petrosil Convention and Exhibition under the AMEA brand is one of the most important and successful conventions in the field of bitumen and base oils in the two continents of Asia and Africa, which has been organized annually in Dubai and India since 2017. With a different and professional approach in each period, this convention brings together the big bitumen and base oils production companies in Asia and Africa and provides them with the opportunity to expand their activities through introducing their products in the international arena and benefit from its services by allocating a suitable exhibition space to each of them. Compared to other specialized assemblies of this industry, some of the advantages of this convention include: inviting professional speakers, university professors and high-ranking managers of bitumen and base oil production companies to the AMEA convention section, selecting the participants and attendees of the convention, providing the best facilities and welfare services and holding specialized meetings. From 2021, this convention decided to organize the AMEA exhibition in Dubai every year, in addition to the AMEA convention, to create more space and a more suitable platform for those interested in the field of bitumen and base oils. In this regard, the seventh AMEA convention will be held in Mumbai, India, on September 14-15, 2022. By participating in this convention, the World of Petroleum and Bitumen Journal is proud to be one of its news sponsors.