August 1, 2022

The 13th International Exhibition of Bitumen, Asphalt, Insulation & Related Machinery (BAIEX)

The 13th International Exhibition of Bitumen, Asphalt, Insulation & Related Machinery (BAIEX) will be held from 9 to 12 January, 2023 at the permanent location of Tehran International Exhibitions. This exhibition is held annually in order to introduce regular activists in the bitumen, asphalt, insulation and related industries as well as companies with high capability in manufacturing quality products. Most of the domestic names and brands are present in this exhibition, and a number of foreign companies also participate in this exhibition due to its international nature. Every year, this exhibition plays a prominent role by gathering activists in the fields of petroleum, bitumen, insulation, asphalt and related machinery, creating interaction between domestic and foreign manufacturers and introducing high-quality products. This exhibition is a good opportunity for you to get to know the officials, practitioners, producers and activists in consulting on, monitoring, contracting, managing, employing and launching machineries for the bitumen and asphalt industries in order to use up-to-date materials and facilities in your public and private projects. This exhibition is one of the biggest exhibitions of the bitumen and insulation industry, which is held every year in Iran, and the World of Petroleum and Bitumen Journal is proud to be the news sponsor of this great event.